The Lockdown Sessions

1. Merry Christmas 2. Cold Heart 3. Always Love You 4. Learn to Fly 5. After All 6. Chosen Family 7. The Pink Phantom 8. It's a Sing 9. Nothing Else Matters 10.Orbit 11.Simple Things 12.Beauty in the Bones 13.One of Me 14.E-Ticket 15.Finish Line 16.Stolen Car 17.I'm Not Gonna Mis You


I almost didn't even include this one.

For those that know Elton well, they know he's a huge fan of all kinds of music. Unlike a lot of artists his age, he doesn't shy away from new artists that sound absolutely nothing like him, nor probably share any crossover fans. He even has a channel on Apple music where he regularly interviews newer artists. Now, to be fair, unlike most classic rock fans, there is a lot of new music out there, that I love. However, my tastes are a far cry from what Elton apparently likes.

With the world in lockdown during 2021, I guess he mentioned to virtually collaborate with other artists and managed to release this thing. Now, if you like bands with teenage girls gyrating to pulsating electronic synthesizers, or hard line rappers that like to fill their songs with swear words, maybe you'll like this thing better than I do. A lot of songs here aren't even "Elton" songs, but he appears (briefly) as a guest voice on a lot of what's here.

There are even a lot of songs that I though I would enjoy since some of the older artists actually resonate with my pallate a bit better. I'm thinking, for example, of the duets he does with Stevie Nicks and Eddie Veddor. Sadly, even thouse are awful. The only thing on here I find remotely bearable is Finish Line with Stevie Wonder. To be truthful, I couldn't even make it through the entire song on most of these tracks. Thank God technology has given us a fast-forward button.

I must state that I really do think it's great that Elton is at the stage of his career that he can do whatever he wants to musicwise. It's his life, not mine. No one is forcing me to listen to this output. It's just awfully disappointing when this is such a far cry from his standard output.

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